محرك بحث الكتب بالذكاء الاصطناعي
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Emam Khomeini told Āyatollāh Tavassoli that they should not come, (meaning) the zakerin [Nouha reciters and Anjuman folks]. There are now a group of people who ...
... Sunni Islam in Persian lands during Ilkhanid rule. Forced ... Cambridge History of Islam, which surveys the political and cultural history of Islam ...
The study of Islamist movements has often implicitly meant the study of Sunni Islamist movements. ... The research program focuses on the formation and ...
A study of how some Islamic beliefs and practices are reflected in the Christian Scriptures. The point of departure is that since Islam and the Bible are ...
In the company of Haider Al-Mansury, professor of Applied linguistics at the University of Kufa and Dr. Hassan Abbas, professor of international relations at ...
The Sunni schools of law are named for jurisprudents of the eighth and ninth centuries, but they did not actually function so early. The main division at ...
Aug 27, 2022 ... The formation of the Sunni schools of law, 9th-10th centuries CE. xxviii, 244 p. ; 25 cm. Includes bibliographical references and index.
The Sunni schools of law are named for jurisprudents of the eighth and ninth centuries, but they did not actually function so early.
Jonathan Berkey's 2003 book surveys the religious history of the peoples of the Near East from roughly 600 to 1800 CE. The opening chapter examines the ...
Heresy and the Formation of Medieval Sunni Orthodoxy. Author, Ahmad Khan. Publisher, University of Oxford, 2018. Length, 848 pages. Export Citation, BiBTeX ...