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Once, all life in the universe knew the Flower of Life as the creation pattern - the geometrical design leading us into and out of physical existence.
Apr 20, 2017 ... Drunvalo Melchizedek, written and updated by. Publication date: 1998. Topics: A300. Collection: nicolai-woodenko-library; additional_collections.
Every 13000 years on Earth a sacred and secret event takes place that changes everything. Mother Earth's Kundalini energy emerges from its resting place in ...
Simply put, breath from your stomach first, then your diaphragm, and finally your chest. Do this in one movement, not three parts. The exhale is completed ...
... Drunvalo Melchizdek reveals for the first time what Mayan elders have told him about this period. In this book he explains how to prepare for this ...
Nov 1, 2012 ... ... Drunvalo Melchizdek reveals for the first time what Mayan elders have told him about this period. In this book he explains how to prepare ...
... Drunvalo begins to tell his stories of 35 years spent in service to Mother Earth. Follow him around the world as he follows the guidance of Ascended Masters ...
The sacred Flower of Life pattern, the primary geometric generator of all physical form, is explored in even more depth in this volume. Drunvalo shares the ...
See other formats · 1. Draw a vertical line, then draw a cir¬ cle on the line [Fig. · 2. Draw five more identical circles cen¬ tered on the points where the ...