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(1)Laboratoire de Mécanique Physique, Univ. Paris 12 & CNRS ESA 7052, 94010 CRETEIL, France. (2)Laboratoire d'Histophysique & de Cytophysique, EPHE & Univ.
Jan 1, 1976 ... de Physique Colloques, 1976, 37 (C6), pp.C6-209-C6-215. <10.1051 ... nature of the axial ligation in high-spin Fe(II1) cyto- chrome P ...
... cyto- skeletal structures during processes such as spreading and migration ... Physique 36: 1035–1047. Brown D A and London E (1998) Functions of Lipid ...
first: nucleus divides (karyo-kinesis) second: cytoplasm divides (cyto ... Sexual characters like beard and muscular physique in men, mammary glands, wider ...